What Yoga Trainings don't want you to know before you sign up
The Shocking Reality of How Bad Most Yoga Teacher Trainings are and How You Can Avoid this Trap.

READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO: become a certified yoga teacher 🧘🏽‍♀️ and have a big impact on the world!!

🧘🏽‍♀️ From Angelica Govaert
📍 Las Vegas, NV 

If you'd like to live your dream of being a yoga teacher - and avoid making the mistake of taking the wrong teacher training....

Then this will be the most exciting page you'll every read!

I'm going to show you how to spot all the inadequacies in most yoga teacher trainings so you can choose the training that will allow you to thrive as a yoga teacher 💯
Reading this page has the potential to change your life in a biiiiig way.

Especially if you've been of the thought that "I'm not flexible enough to teach yoga" or "I have to be able to do all the poses" or "it's just not possible for me to make good 💰 as a yoga teacher."

so just know that....
You're in the right place, friend!
But before you read on...
I want you to know, it is COMPLETELY possible to LIVE YOUR DREAM as a Yoga Teacher.

But first - a little warning.

The details outlined in this book have allowed me to host 28 yoga teacher trainings in three countries, helping 1,119 yoga students live their dream of becoming a yoga teacher and create an incredible lifestyle of freedom and creativity, but I’m not suggesting it’ll all happen overnight.

The truth is, becoming a full time yoga teacher requires risk as well as consistent effort and action.

If you’re not willing to accept that, please DON’T GET THIS BOOK!

But if your tastebuds are tingling for the life you’ve always dreamed, and you’re not swayed by a little hard work - then let me jump right in and show you.
Exactly What You're Getting

No Fluff in this eBook, just tried and tested 
tactics that are working right now!

Yoga Teachers Need to be Able to do all the Poses, Right? WRONG! p10
  • ​How to choose the BEST Yoga Teacher Training for you even if you've never done yoga before or have little experience practicing yoga.
  • Why your intuition is your biggest super-power (and how to know when to trust it.)
  • My proven formula to feel confident you are a heart-centered teacher before you even sign up for Yoga Teacher Training.
  • Industry secrets that most yoga teacher schools are unwilling to share because it costs them more time and money.  
  • ​Why the least expensive school and the most expensive schools aren't the best schools, and what the good schools are charging for tuition.
  • ​Discover the difference between 200, 300, and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings and precisely what Yoga Alliance Approved means.
Why Online Yoga Teacher Training can be MORE Comprehensive than in-Person. p28
  • How to smash through your limiting beliefs about teaching yoga and reach a whole new, empowered understanding of how to serve the world. 
  • How to understand the energy of money so that you can tap into that currency and thrive as a yoga teacher.
  • Why spending less than $1,000 on a yoga teacher training is almost always a waste of your time.
  • What the best ways to manifest the tuition needed to finance yoga teacher training are... none of them are GoFundMe...
  • How to quickly spot trainings that will leaving you feeling frustrated and unable to teach yoga.
Creative Financing Options You've Never Thought of Before. p33
  • What the most important subjects a yoga teacher training should cover before you'd even consider signing up.
  • Why you don't even need to be certified to teach yoga.
  • Which organizations certify yoga schools and why that's essential to know before choosing a yoga school. Your preferred choice might surprise you!
  • How to approach a yoga school and ask questions that will solicit the responses you need to know before choosing a yoga school. 
  • ​How to narrow down the subjects that are most crucial to your individual success as a certified yoga teacher.
  • ​And so much more.....!!!
And the best part is - I'm only getting started! 
Check these epic bonuses below ⬇️
Exclusive Bonuses!!
Plus, when you buy How to Live Your Dream of Teaching Yoga today, you get these bonus absolutely free 😍
Bonus #1: Top Five Questions to Ask BEFORE Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training.
This essential cheat sheet will give you the secrets that will show a yoga school that you know EXACTLY what you want out of your education. 
Bonus #2: The Yoga Training Insider's Booklist that No One Shares Ahead of Time. Revealed to You!
Find out precisely what books everyone is reading in Yoga Teacher Schools and get a step ahead of your peers.
Here's what to do next:
Once you purchase the book, for the measly sum of $4.99
(I know, fantastic right!)

You'll receive it emailed directly to your inbox - along with the bonuses! 🎁

From there you can access it on any device, at any time.

It's yours forever.

So really, the question is - is it worth gambling a couple minutes of your time to check this out?

Even if it only does HALF of what I've claimed today, it will pay for itself as you'll be armed with the information you need to avoid any pitfalls of choosing the wrong school so you can get to the business of living your dream of teaching yoga as soon as possible. 

So if you’re ready, just go ahead... click the ‘YES! Send me the book now” button below below and take advantage of this very special offer.
Just in case you were wondering...
You might be thinking - "Why is all of this incredible info only $4.99!?"

I've been teaching yoga and certifying yoga teachers for 17 years - I KNOW that space intimately, as you'll find out when you read the book.

And the reason for the insanely cheap price is:

Because I want this info to be accessible to everyone!

Inside this book are the tried and proven methods that me and thousands of other yoga students have been using to thrive and live their dream of teaching yoga right now in 2022.

These methods can work for anyone who is thinking about begining the journey of becoming a yoga teacher.

That's right - I said ANYONE. These methods will work for everyone!

And if time is your concern - let me assure you this book is short enough to read in one sitting!

At only 50 Pages - you can read the whole thing tonight if you so choose!

So what are you waiting for?
And the best part - LOVE IT, or 100% refund!
Love it - or your money back!
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So really, you have absolutely nothing to lose - and EVERYTHING to gain!

Free Advanced Bonus!!

You're Also Getting An Advanced 
Yoga Teacher Success Training For FREE!!

During this training I'll show you a new approach that yoga students are using to ensure that they come out of yoga teacher training 100% thriving - whether that's online or in-person!

Due to such immediate success I’ve created a full-blown training around this approach.

I’m giving you a 60-minute fast-track class where you’re not only seeing 3 major keys of success as a yoga teacher… you’re also being shown exactly how to implement it. 🔑

This is the EXACT step-by-step strategy I'm using right now to train students to live their dream of becoming a certified yoga instructor!

There’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the "How to Live Your Dream of Becoming a Yoga Teacher" Book! 🎁

This is my way of guaranteeing that you can start implementing everything you will learn in book. . . right away!

Come with your questions! 

I host this training LIVE so you'll be able to ask me ANYTHING.
Time is of the essence, my friend! 
This is a limited time offer and won't be around for long.
P.S just in case you've skipped to the end of the page - here's a recap:

I'm giving you my book How to Live Your Dream of Teaching Yoga - The Ultimate Guide to Yoga Teacher Training

It's an incredible resource that's yoga students WORLDWIDE live their dream of becoming a yoga teacher.

The book is only $4.99!!

Alongside the book you get this special bonus:

Top 5 Questions to Ask BEFORE Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training: So you can avoid the pitfalls of choosing the wrong training.


The Yoga Training Insider's Booklist: So you can get a head start on living your dream before you even take yoga teacher training.

I'm giving you these as a bonus because I want to give you as much as I can to get you on the ground running, and Living Your Dream of being a thriving yoga teacher. 

There's absolutely no catch!

If you don't 100% love this book - just email me within 14 days and I'll send your $4.99 back, and you get to keep the book and bonus anyway!

Sounds fair, right?

I can't wait for you to dive in! You may want to hurry though - this is a limited offer that absolutely won't last!!

© 2022 - Angelica Govaert

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